Saturday, September 29 9 AM to 4/5 PM
at Ben Lippen School, 7401 Monticello Rd, Columbia, SC 29203
9:00 AM to 9:30 AM Registration
9:30 AM Camp Welcome & Introductions
9:45 AM Team Meetings
10:00 AM -Mini Team Practices for Teams 1, 2, 3, 4
-Player/Parent Seminar for Teams 5, 6, 7, 8
10:30 AM -Mini Team Practices for Teams 5, 6, 7, 8
-Player/Parent Seminar for Teams 1, 2, 3, 4
11:00 AM 3v3/4v4 Games Teams: 1v6, 3v8, 5v2, 7v4
11:25 AM LUNCH
12:30 PM 5v5 Games: 1v2, 3v4
1:30 PM 5v5 Games 5v6, 7v8
2:30 PM 5v5 Games 1v4, 3v2
3:30 PM 5v5 Games 5v8, 7v6
–BELOW is “live” list of the young ladies who have sent their forms & payments in already. We will constantly be updating this as we get more forms/payment sent in.
–If you have ANY questions please e-mail us: SCHoopCoaches@gmail.com
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